What to know before having pet reptiles?

a bearded dragon

Unlike ordinary pets, reptile care is very specific. However, they have been more and more frequent in the home of most Brazilians. Thinking of helping those who are willing to adopt pet reptiles but still have doubts, we’ve gathered some of the main tips on how to take care of these animals. Next, check out how you can legally adopt them, what their type of food is and the most common species for adoption.

Pet Reptiles Need Space

The most important care when deciding to adopt a reptile is to ensure that it will have a suitable space for its species and lifestyle. Remember that it must be spacious, as your pet will grow over time. In addition, pet reptiles are pecilotérmicos animals, that is, they change temperature according to the environment.

This means that they need to imitate nature as much as possible. For this, heating lights, ultraviolet rays, stones that are heated, logs, branches and clean water are essential for your well-being. The place must also have little exposure to the sun and have a dark and covered environment in which they can rest.

Your Food is Specific

Pet reptiles usually have a different diet. There are those who prefer a diet based only on leaves and plants. However, there are others that also feed on other species of animals. Live insects are generally a good option for providing the nutrients needed for your health.

Currently you can find specialized companies that provide live insects for pet reptiles. Terns, crickets and cockroaches are widely consumed by species of lizards, teiús, geckos and turtles. Therefore, in defining which reptile you will adopt, it is important to consult a professional who can guide you in choosing the best foods.

They are Not Friendly Animals

If you are looking for receptive pets, pet reptiles may not be the best choice. They will not be at your side all the time, they will not ask for affection or they will even be able to walk with you in the park. However, if you are looking for a quiet and docile companion, these will be perfect animals for you.

It is also worth mentioning that if there are children in your home, it may not be a good idea to have pet reptiles. This is because, while attracting a lot of attention, they may also not adapt well with the caresses and games coming from children.

Pet Reptiles Only Legalized

In order for you to have pet reptiles in your home, it is essential that you adopt them legally. Therefore, to prove that your pet was born in a captivity and was not removed from nature, you must always demand the Invoice. It provides information about the animal and some technical specifications.

In addition, all pet reptiles must have a microchip. This device has the function of identifying them, as well as in mammals. Some of the species authorized to be bred at home are the iguana, the tortoise, the rainbow boa from the Amazon, the rainbow boa from the Caatinga and the well-known water tiger turtles.