The 5 most dangerous animals in the world

Types of snakes

The animal kingdom is surprising and very broad, since the human being has not yet discovered all the animal species that exist, in fact, this would imply a great economic investment for science, and yet, nothing guarantees that the wide biodiversity of the planet could be discovered in its entirety.

Some animals are considered by us as our best friends, this would be the case for cats and dogs, on the other hand some are admired for their wild beauty such as wolves, for example.

However, in this article we’ll show you those animals that you would never want to have on your way, the most dangerous animals in the world . Then we show you 5 species that are simply lethal!

Taipan from the coast

Did you think that the black mamba was the most poisonous snake in the world? Without a doubt, it is among the first places in this ranking, however, the most poisonous snake in the world is the taipan of the coast, known under the scientific name of Oxyuranus scutellatus.

This snake is originally from Australia and owes precisely its name to the place of Taipan. It is a daytime snake that is especially active during the morning and that hunts using a very developed vision.

There is an antidote to this snake’s neurotoxic poison, however, it can cause the death of a human being in a matter of minutes. One last piece of information to get an idea of ​​the lethality of this snake: the amount of poison it releases in a single bite would be enough to end the lives of 10 men.

Black widow

It is known with the scientific name of latrodectus and the truth is that this arachnid is on the list of the most dangerous animals in the world and is a more than fair classification, taking into account that despite its small size, a bite of this spider is 15 times more toxic than a rattlesnake.

There are several species of black widow and this causes a very wide worldwide distribution. The poison it contains is neurotoxic and although it is true that it rarely causes death, immunocompromised people, children and the elderly can have very severe symptoms, in fact, refer to them as if it were a heart attack.

Golden poison dart frog

Scientifically known as the Phyllobates terribilis species , this frog draws attention at first sight for its showy colors, and can present in mint green, yellow or orange.

Obviously it is not one of the frogs that we can have as pets, since its skin is impregnated with a potent poison, specifically a neurotoxin, that is, that affects the nervous system and therefore the whole organism. But how poisonous is this frog? So, each frog produces enough poison to kill 10 men.

Anopheles mosquito

Who would have thought that a single mosquito would be included in the ranking of the most dangerous animals in the world? Obviously we are not talking about any mosquito, but the female Anopheles mosquito.

The danger of this mosquito is that it acts as a vector for malaria or malaria, a disease that causes the death of between 700,000 and 2,700,000 people each year.

When a female of the Anopheles mosquito has malaria and bites someone, the parasites responsible for this disease infiltrate the human being through the mosquito’s saliva, quickly crossing the bloodstream until it reaches the liver, where they multiply.

Electric eel

The Electric eel is known scientifically as the name of Electrophorus electricus and is characterized by being able to emit electrical discharges of up to 850 volts thanks to a group of specialized cells that allow them to do this type of attack.

The electrical discharges are very intense but very short, this leads us to the following question, can it kill someone? The answer is yes, although the mechanism used goes beyond a simple electrical discharge.

This animal could kill someone who, after one or more discharges, is incapacitated and could drown, although they live in shallow waters. Another possible mechanism would be the consecutive electrical discharges that could cause a cardiac arrest.